When you find yourself with a tickle in the back of your throat…
gargling with a saline solution is the best and safest tool you have to ward off that cold . Gargle, gargle, gargle until it is gone. You don’t need much. A tea spoon of salt in a cup of warm water should do. Continue reading Home Remedies (Colds and Sore Throats)→
When I was nine months pregnant with you, we were living in a cute apartment in Sunnyside, NY. I was working full time and decided to work until the week before you were due. Continue reading Momma Bear (Unleashed)→
Not sure what you were trying to accomplish…but, clearly you were up to no good. Suffice to say, the crib got dropped that evening. Continue reading Dropping the Crib→
At the behest of your grandparents, you had the first ride in a grocery cart at Costco. You resisted at first, but ultimately, you enjoyed it. Though, it’s not so obvious from this pictures.