November: Picture of the Month.
Most days I feel very blessed with the life I am fortunate to have, but reflecting back, I am reminded of what a special month this was. In honor of Monks turning 1, we got to spend some time with the grandparent from NYC. Auntie Amanda visited as well, and we had a big birthday bash with many friends and family to celebrate not only monks but auntie Lori’s birthday, as well .
It was a month of many visitors and lots of fun. We had a surprise visit from our dear friends Marcin and Sabri and, many other friends visited from around the world, as well.
We got to see and hear some teachings from our wonderful teacher Lama Ole Nydahl
and, enjoyed a wonderful thanksgiving dinner with family.
For all of this I am extremely thankful.
But, for having welcomed this little guy into our lives, I know I am truly blessed.
There was a point when I was not sure that this moment would ever come. What comes so easily to so many women took a year and a half for us. I know there are many women who have to deal with infertility issues, but when it is happening to you, it feels like you are completely alone. After meeting countless doctors, you start to feel like you are guinea pig too. I know I was lucky, some women have to try for years before they can get pregnant and some never do. Looking back, I remember how frustrated and sad I was finding out the treatment didn’t work. It was a very painful time. After, countless treatments and a year later we were finally able to conceive. It was the happiest day of my life.
One year ago, Monks was born a perfect 6 lbs 11 oz. Till this day and for the rest of my life, I will be eternally grateful. I am grateful for Dr. Zhang and his team at the New Hope Fertility Center who made it all possible and my friends and family who never lost hope and, for a husband who stood by me for every difficult challenge that came our way and even made me laugh through it (sometimes).
Yes, It was a special month indeed.