November: Picture of the Month.
Most days I feel very blessed with the life I am fortunate to have, but reflecting back, I am reminded of what a special month this was. Continue reading Giving Thanks
Most days I feel very blessed with the life I am fortunate to have, but reflecting back, I am reminded of what a special month this was. Continue reading Giving Thanks
OH, Yeah! We are those parents! Dressed Monks up as a little devil and went to the mall to show him off. What else is there to do with a baby who can’t really walk or say trick or treat? It was cuteness overload. Continue reading the devil (el diablito) on my shoulder
Not sure what you were trying to accomplish…but, clearly you were up to no good. Suffice to say, the crib got dropped that evening. Continue reading Dropping the Crib
Photo by monks (sort of)
Clearly you had some help with this, but if I didn’t know any better, I would believe it. It’s so darn cute!
My sweet love bug. I do apologize. I snuck in there and took a picture when you were all quiet and nestled in on your daddy’s chest. Such sweetness!
How I do love your intense brown eye.
you made me a mother. Yes, sleepy and tired, but a mother non-the-less. Continue reading First Mother’s Day